We are already aware of the magnificent powers of de-cluttering. When we remove junk from our homes, we free up so much precious space and it instantly improves the look and feel of our home. It also improves the quality of our lifestyle.
Imagine how much more beneficial de-cluttering your diet would be for your health. Let’s take a look at five best ways to declutter your diet.
You will not believe this but organizing your kitchen does have a major impact on eating well and better health. You see, when you have tidy and orderly cabinets and kitchen, you know just what ingredients you have on hand.
You don’t overspend on takeaways just because you didn’t know if you had enough to whip up an edible, home cooked meal. Emptying your cabinets, freezers and fridge means you throw away old and rotten food and instead stock on fresh produce.
Hence, you become better at meal preps and only eat freshly-made food with all healthy and premium quality ingredients. What could be better?
One more important step in de-cluttering is taking time out and making the effort to read the food labels when grocery shopping. Often out of laziness and time shortage we do not care to read what additives, sugar content, salt, preservatives etc. the food items contain.
By reading the labels, you can check for sugar, salt, fat content and be more conscious of your choices. You would make better decisions at the supermarket too, such as picking plain yogurt instead of pre-sweetened ones.
Part of the reason why we’re consuming more junk and unhealthy food daily is because we don’t make time to plan our meals ahead. We know life is stressful and careers are demanding for all but why compromise on your health?
In your de-cluttering campaign, do make meal planning and meal prepping an essential part. Allot a specific time during the weekends where you meal prep and include healthy ingredients in your daily portions.
You can opt for simple and quick meals as long as they contain balanced nutrients. Also choose snacks consciously, so stocking up on seeds, berries, cheese and etc. is also a great idea.
Nothing can be a better step at de-cluttering your diet than eliminating refined starches. It is simple and achievable and all you have to do is increase your veggie and fruit stock for the week. Instead of stocking up on ice creams, stock up on berries, salads, baby carrots etc.
You will need some conscious effort for this but it will be for good for your health. Often we are so engrossed in other tasks that we fail to notice the bag of chips, slice of cake, donuts etc. we grab while working.
Try to be more aware of what you’re eating, no matter how busy you are. A good idea would be to remove all unhealthy snacks off your reach at home and work and keep healthy substitutes in place. Nuts sound like a great option.