Can Turmeric Help You Fight High Blood Sugar?
Failure by the body to regulate the blood sugar levels results to a chronic condition that we know as diabetes. Pancreas produces a hormone called insulin which is responsible for controlling blood sugar levels. There are three types of diabetes namely, type 1 and 2 of diabetes as well as Gestational diabetes. Type 1 diabetes results due to lack of insulin production while the type 2 diabetes is caused due to the failure of the body cells to respond to insulin as required. Gestational diabetes occurs over the course of pregnancy as a result of high blood glucose levels.
Diabetes results in complications, but they can occur after ten to twenty years from the time the disease is discovered. Such complications include the stroke and cardiovascular diseases which are associated with the damage of the large blood vessels. The damage to the small blood vessels includes kidney damage, nerves complications as well as vision problem.
Insulin hormone is an important body fluid that moves glucose from blood to muscles as well as fat and liver cells where it is used and stored as a source of energy. Type 1 diabetes cannot be treated, but type 2 diabetes can be treated by use of medication. Interestingly, various studies and research have shown positive and favorable results when those with diabetes consume Turmeric.
How Turmeric Can Help Fight Diabetes
Turmeric is an ancient Indian spice and a perennial herb that is also mostly found in Asian parts. Turmeric spice is extracted from Curcuma, which is a perennial ginger family plant and is used extensively in cooking the Indian cuisines. It is also used as coloring
agent in Hindu and Buddhist in their ceremony practices and also considered sacred.
Turmeric has component known as Curcuminoids, which contains curcumin, a magical content that is working wonders in healing capabilities for both type 1 and 2 diabetes according to the research and findings. Curcumin is capable of mitigating the primary features of diabetes such as higher blood sugar levels and the inability for the body to respond to the insulin.
Type 1 diabetes occurs as a result of the destruction of pancreatic cells through inflammation and eventual cell death. The inflammation impairs the functioning of the insulin as well as contributing to the insulin resistance. Turmeric has an anti-inflammatory property that works by modulating protein's activities and their pathways in the body. This also enables the proteins that mediate inflammation to be hindered from their activities as well.
Turmeric plays a major role in reversing pancreatic damage in diabetic persons are often told that their condition cannot be treated. This is possible because the dysfunction of the beta cells in the pancreas where the insulin is produced can be repaired.
What Is Oxidative Stress?
Oxidative stress plays a primary role in the prevalence of the diabetic condition in the body. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) has oxygen and another component that is vital to the functioning of the body cells. However, the ROS levels can rise drastically and cause inflammation and eventual death of the cells. Diabetes is the responsible excessive production of ROS and therefore resulting in inflammation. Turmeric, when consumed by a diabetic person, acts as an antioxidant and controls ROS levels and reduces oxidative stress that is observed in diabetes.
Turmeric has strong capability in reducing the blood sugar levels and the diabetic persons under hyperglycemia treatment medication are advised to avoid consuming turmeric supplements. This is because the blood sugar levels can be reduced significantly when both the drug and Turmeric supplements are used and lead to severe complication. Turmeric can also reduce diabetic conditions such as frequent urination, increased thirst and high-fat levels.

Type 2 diabetes which mainly occur as a result of changes in diet and lifestyle can also be helped by use of Turmeric supplements intake. Curcumin which is a vital component in Turmeric reduces insulin resistance and improves the cell functioning. The anti-inflammatory agents levels are also increased. The following capability are also observed as a result of consuming Turmeric supplements, and they include reduced liver glucose and glycogen reduction.
Other observed Turmeric capability in type 2 diabetic persons include stimulating insulin secretion and improving pancreatic cell functioning. Curcumin component also improved fatty acid oxidation as well as its utilization. Turmeric also has the capability of reducing the glucose in your body. Turmeric consumption also has the effect of preventing the development of type 2 diabetes.
Curcumin component in Turmeric also has the capability to control cholesterol levels and can also be used to help issues such as obesity and unwanted weight gain. The balancing and controlling of sugar or glucose levels also prevent fats accumulation which can have adverse effects on our bodies. Curcumin achieves these by controlling triglyceride and cholesterol levels. This not only prevents the onset of diabetes but also prevents weight gain which is the primary cause of the accumulation of the abdominal fats.
Turmeric is now considered as the best alternative to help the diabetic condition. Metformin which is a drug that is used to treat diabetes has various side effects. They are also proved by different researchers as increasing the death rate of a patient under medication. Turmeric appears to be the perfect alternative to the medication as a way of curbing the development of the disease. This natural herb is readily available, safe and affordable.
It is, however, crucial to consume the right amount of Turmeric as dosage in preventing the development of diabetes. The Turmeric can have adverse effects and reactions if their intake is not coordinated and regulated. It should also be avoided when taking other diabetic medications as well. Turmeric also should be taken in moderation or avoided in case of gallstones or obstruction in the bile passage. Recent studies have also suggested that Turmeric supplements can reverse the diabetes condition. They can as well regenerate and repair diabetic liver function. Turmeric also has heart-saving property as it has been established in newer diabetes study.
There are various ways on how you can consume Turmeric supplements. You can choose to mix your meal with fresh and dried Turmeric and add the black pepper which enhances the absorbability in the body. It is, however, advisable to ensure that your food is not overcooked and is also prepared at the appropriate temperatures to ensure that the Turmeric is not left useless.
A curcumin supplement that is said to be in the market today is also said to be good because it is 100% vegetarian, non-GMO and soy-free. You can also use daily dose limits different forms that include cut roots of 1.5 to 3 grams, standardized powder of between 400 to 600 milligrams three times a day and tincture in one to two ratio of between 15 to 30 drops four times a day. You can also take powdered roots of between 1 to 3 grams on a daily basis and fluid extract of one to one ratio of between 30 to 90 drops per day.
Turmeric can, however, have side effects that include stomach troubles, acne, and ulcers. Additionally, pregnant and lactating women should avoid taking Turmeric supplements. Also for those scheduled for surgery, it is advisable to discontinue Turmeric intake because of thinning activity in the blood. Turmeric is the best choice supplement for the diabetic patient to take so as to hinder the development of the disease as well facilitating the reversal of the condition. With several studies authenticating the superiority of this Indian traditional herb indicating the effectiveness of diabetic treatment, it is advisable for anyone with the condition to consume Turmeric periodically.