Contact Us

Although our name is "Me First Living", what that really means is we're here to put YOU first! We're dedicated to making sure you not only get the healthiest supplements on the market but you get the best support as well! This is something we truly think the industry is missing.
We don't care if you've bought 1000 times from us or you haven't bought from us at all! If you have questions regarding our Turmeric supplement or want advice on different ways you can incoporate this "miracle spice" into your daily regiment, email us! We want to hear from you!
With that being said, we also want to treat our customer service reps well we'll do our very best to respond within 24 hours, but if it's Saturday or Sunday, you'll probably get a response from us the following Monday.
Cheers to health and happiness!
Customer Support Toll Free Phone | 844-344-6488 Call Anytime!
Customer Support Email | Support@MeFirstLiving.Com
Mailing Address:
Me First Living
1863 Pioneer Pkwy E. STE 616
Springfield, Or 97477