Studies Show Turmeric for Depression May Be More Effective Than Anti-Depressants
Many people know about Turmeric health benefits, which comes from a compound inside Turmeric root called curcumin, but did you know a curcumin could help with depression?
It comes as a surprise to many people, but there’s a reason why Turmeric is regarded as the Spice of Life by many traditional healers – and even modern-day people.
Many solutions to depression have been adopted in society over the years to help people who are depressed. While their help cannot be underestimated, in most cases, their help is also short-lived.
If you suffer from depression, you can comfortably turn to a curcumin supplement for help – after checking with your doctor. Many people have been using turmeric in their food not knowing its medicinal value, but this is a stronger form of turmeric, so it is always wise to check beforehand.
Unfortunately, many people confuse depression with stress. Though it has a direct relationship, as stress leads to depression, the two are not the same.
Depression is a disorder of the brain characterized by abnormality of the neurotransmitters, often due to a hormonal imbalance, chronic stress, tough life situations, or even diseases such as diabetes and stroke.
Turmeric – or the main compound curcumin – is excellent at helping reduce symptoms of anxiety and other mental illnesses such as chronic fatigue and brain fog. In fact, one study even concludes that there was a greater reduction in symptoms when curcumin was combined with saffron.
In modern society, many of us are living in high-stress environments. It is beneficial, being able to take something natural to help reduce the effects of depression, anxiety, and chronic fatigue all in one supplement.
It is not just the easy one-and-done solution that makes it worth it, but also the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are looking after your body, helping it recover from consistent levels of stress, age slower, and reduce other effects of cognitive decline, such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia.
This is all fantastic news for individuals with major depressive disorder, providing a much-needed boost to daily life.
Depression is unfortunately common in today’s world. The reason why most people have knowingly – or unknowingly – found themselves in the cocoon of depression is the many things in life that demand their attention.
These issues can vary from business, social, family, political, or even educational matters. Studies have confirmed that while people start families or businesses, they kick start it with too-high expectations of success, biting off more than they can chew, and wind up juggling too many projects and obligations at once. This wears the body down mentally and physically.
Unhealthy lifestyle choices are another cause of depression. When people are not careful about how they lead their lives, they are more likely to fall victim to diseases that could be a threat to their health and peace of mind. These illnesses can range from a variety of things from heart disease, all the way to – you guessed it – depression.
Scientists have discovered many symptoms that can help individuals identify whether they have depression.
- Chronic feelings of sadness or bitterness
- Unenthusiastic about activities, including ones you once enjoyed
- Easily angered
- Chronic restlessness or anxiety
- Chronic laziness
- Reduced appetite, potentially leading to significant changes in body weight
- General body tiredness without a clear cause
Do you think you might have mild to severe depression?
There is hope!
Read on to learn more.
How Can Turmeric Curcumin Help?
You may be wondering how exactly Turmeric can help depression, and why pharmaceutical companies haven’t yet put curcumin on the market for anti-depressant medication.
Well, the answer lies in the fact that Turmeric and curcumin are not readily accepted medicine in the Western world, like many other “holistic” remedies.
The efficacy of curcumin reducing the symptoms of depression is taken to task by many skeptical people. This is fantastic news for you, however, because that means turmeric root and curcumin have both been repeatedly tested – and scientists have found positive results!
The difficulty lies in how well our bodies absorb straight turmeric root, or even pure curcumin extract. We can only absorb a fraction of what we take, which leads many people astray thinking it is a fraud.
At Me First Living, we’ve taken matters into our own hands and created a Premium Turmeric supplement containing 95% curcuminoids and 5% Bioperine®.
The curcuminoids found is many other Turmeric root powder products have been found in amounts as low as 1-3%, so many people opt to take Turmeric that contains at least 95% curcuminoids, rather than Turmeric root powder.
We’ve added 10mg of Bioperine® to increase absorption by 2000%! This curcumin with black pepper added will help ensure you get your money’s worth and actually see results with your supplement.
While we know very little about our own brain, we know a good amount about how curcumin works with our brain.
After analyzing and testing the effects of this supplement, improved conditions were noticed after only a few days.
Many studies show that it takes a very short period – about six weeks – for a patient using it to recover from mild depression. While comparing the efficacy of the curcumin compound with that of Fluoxetine and other anti-depressant medications, scientists confirmed that curcumin is a far more effective anti-depressant.
Results show that curcumin worked very tolerably with all patients, which was not always the case with anti-depressant pharmaceuticals.
One study carried out behavioral and biochemical tests to identify the way curcuminoids reacted in the brain cells, and it was discovered that curcuminoids increase the levels of serotonin, and at higher doses, the levels of dopamine as well.
In mice, these higher doses were shown to inhibit monoamine oxidase enzymes, which is the common action many anti-depressant pharmaceuticals take to help reduce symptoms of depression as well.
The anti-depressant effects found in curcumin and piperine have shown a significant decrease in overall symptoms of depression through six different clinical trials, according to one overview study.
This is fantastic news for those of us who are looking to give traditional anti-depressant medications the boot – after talking to your doctor, of course.
If you’re someone who still plans to stay on your recommended medications but need a little boost every now and then, some studies have suggested that taking a curcumin extract in addition to anti-depressants can help you see results from both. At a medium dose, curcuminoids have been shown to enhance the anti-immobility effects of some anti-depressant medications as well.
In other words, curcumin can potentially help make your anti-depressants do their job better.
The efficacy and safety of turmeric curcuminoids in reducing the conditions of depression have earned a lot of trust from both patients of depression and doctors. Unlike other pharmaceutical solutions that offer help in short intervals, curcumin ensures consistent improvement which can last a long time.
Many people begin taking turmeric if they are not getting the results they want from their current anti-depressant medications, or if they are looking for an alternative solution to their pharmaceuticals.
Whether it’s because of price or because of the laundry list of side effects, you shouldn’t have to settle with pharmaceuticals you aren’t happy with.
Patients can rest assured knowing that curcumin is a natural anti-depressant, potentially reducing symptoms of depression, anxiety, brain fog, and chronic fatigue – all without the harmful side effects and costly price tag.
The efficacy and safety of this is to be determined by your doctor, of course. Many anti-depressants vary in what part of the brain they activate, and you always want to ensure that whatever you’re taking – supplement or medication – they work together instead of reacting to one another.
Want to try Me First Living’s Premium Turmeric Curcumin Supplement?
Purchase on Amazon today.
Our supplement contains 95% curcuminoids and 5% Bioperine® to aid in absorption.
How Long Will It Take to See the Benefits of Turmeric Curcumin?
Turmeric is like many other supplements and medications in the way that it may take a few days to a few weeks to see any significant results. Of course, to see the benefits you must take it on a regular, recommended basis as well.
The potency of your turmeric supplement also has a role in how quickly it works, which is why it’s important to purchase an extract that is 95% curcuminoids and 5% Piperine extract.
If you’re purchasing outside of a trusted source, always verify the manufacturer’s license and any other certifications they may have to ensure the supplement is of pharmaceutical grade.
If the supplement manufacturer can show you these things, it means your supplement is held to certain standards that ensure its safety and efficacy.
By doing this, you’re ensuring you’ll get the best results in the quickest way possible. It is always important to remember that results may differ between two people as well, as everyone’s body may metabolize the supplement at different rates.
Is Turmeric Curcumin Safe?
Turmeric is safe for many people, but it is always a wise idea to talk to your doctor before altering your recommended medication schedule or even adding turmeric to your daily supplements.
Since turmeric reacts in similar ways to many current anti-depressant medications, taking turmeric for this medicinal benefit concurrently with your anti-depressants increases the likelihood of overdosing or causing an interaction, which can be problematic to your health.
Even though turmeric is a natural substance, it can still cause interactions with certain medications if you’re not careful. Your doctor understands what your medications do and how they react with your body.
It is always important to talk to your doctor about any new medications or supplements you are thinking about adding to your daily regimen.
Want to learn more about Turmeric and Curcumin?
Visit www.MeFirstLiving.com to read more!