5 Reasons Why Turmeric Is Great For Heartburn
Heartburn can be described as a burning sensation that one experiences in the chest just below the breastbone that is caused by a reflux of stomach acid in the esophagus. You will be surprised by the statistics on heartburn. About 60 million Americans experience a heartburn at least once a month and 15 million experience it daily. This huge number can be blamed on unhealthy lifestyle, poor diet, smoking and alcoholism. The reflux is due to the relaxation of the LES. LES is the Lower Esophageal Sphincter muscle that is located at the entrance of the stomach to prevent backflow of stomach contents. When pressure builds the muscle relaxes causing the reflux.
Heartburn can be treated with simple medication and other natural remedies, but if neglected can lead to gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). You probably never thought of turmeric, a coloring agent in curries and mustards could be your solution to beat heartburn and GERD. Below are five reasons that make turmeric the best natural treatment for GERD.
1. Turmeric has been known to heal indigestion
Indigestion is considered to be the biggest reason behind acid reflux. When food is not digested properly, it is retained in the stomach for longer and this stimulated more production of acid that builds pressure on the muscles at the opening of the stomach. This causes the sphincter muscle to open and the excessive acid to flow up the esophagus more easily causing the heartburn. A study done shows patients that took a gram of turmeric twice a day showed faster recovery from indigestion. Turmeric increased digestion by enhancing the formation of bile juices and also promotes contraction of the gall bladder and hence improving digestion. This shows that turmeric can help in several ways in improving digestion.
2. Turmeric can heal peptic ulcers

Peptic ulcers is the situation where one has had a long term acid reflux and the excess acid attacks the walls of the stomach and they damage the lining, hence creating ulcers. The ulcers can grow in size and cause pain and burning sensations to the victim. The pain can sometimes become so severe, causing lack of appetite. Studies done show that turmeric is a safe drug to heal patients with peptic ulcers. The major ingredient in turmeric is cucurmin that works to heal the wounds and the ulcerations on the gut lining and therefore reduce the symptoms of heartburn and other intestinal diseases. After the patient ingests turmeric, the active ingredients reduce the secretion of the gastric hormone in the stomach that stimulates the production of acid. Turmeric induces the secretion of mucein that will protect the wall of the gut from further attack by acid. Turmeric has healing properties that can heal peptic ulcers that will reduce the patient's discomfort.
3. Curcumin is an anti-inflammatory agent
For many years, turmeric has been known to be an anti-inflammatory agent on different parts of the human body. Heartburn caused the inflammation of the esophagus epithelial cells and this causes ulceration and pain. During heartburn the acid induces certain chemicals in the cells of the esophagus. The production of these chemicals causes blood cells to attack the cite areas and this leads to inflammation, pain among other symptoms. The active agents in turmeric have the ability to inhibit any action of the glyocalase enzyme and it also inhibits the production of the chemicals in the esophagus cells. This in turn will modulate the metabolic pathways to stimulate and to clear up oxidative and other inflammatory agents in the tissues. This will in turn reduce the inflammation levels and reduction in resulting symptoms such as pain and swelling.
4. Turmeric is known for its anti- oxidative effects
The curcumin, an active agent in turmeric is an effective inhibitor of the enzyme that is responsible for the oxidation and inflammation. The circumin in turmeric will enhance the production of the enzyme that inhibit the generation of inflammatory and oxidative prostaglandins. The inhibition of these enzymes causes quick relief to the patient that surfer heartburn. The turmeric is anti-oxidative properties that are known to clear the reactive oxygen and this will limit the damage that is caused by heartburn.
5. Turmeric is known to reduce abdominal pain caused by heartburn
Most people that suffer heartburn complain of pain in the abdominal pain. In a clinical study, it was successfully shown that administration of turmeric was successful I treating the pains.
With all the above stated reasons it is a wise idea to ingest turmeric to ease the discomfort caused by heartburn. With the tests and the studies done, they have all shown success and you will be safe to ingest turmeric if you get heartburn. It will quickly ease your discomfort and ensures that heartburn does not disrupt your daily life.