Blood Thinners & Turmeric: What You Need To Know
There are a number of different uses for turmeric. While some use it to treat carpal tunnel or joint pain, others are using it as a natural blood thinner. Instead of being stuck taking a prescription medication, you can use this all-natural spice to help prevent your blood from clotting. Turmeric is a great anti-inflammatory. This makes it great in treating conditions like osteoarthritis or fibromyalgia. However, the benefits of turmeric go beyond that.
Using Turmeric As A Blood Thinner
It has also been considered one of the best natural blood thinners available today. The curcumin found in the turmeric is what makes this such a powerful blood thinner and is thought to contain anti-coagulation properties. By taking one of these supplements, you can prevent your platelets from clumping together and forming clots. Because of how powerful this natural blood thinner is, people who are taking Coumadin or Warfarin are told to avoid consuming turmeric at all. This is because it could end up making their blood too thin and leave them at risk for increased bleeding.
Taking Turmeric For Cholesterol
Turmeric also works great at being able to reduce your cholesterol. A number of studies have shown that this powerful herb can help to reduce bad cholesterol and prevent atherosclerosis. Even though they haven't been able to prove these claims, a number of animal studies showed tremendous promise. By lowering cholesterol, you can prevent the formation of plaque in your arteries and prevent the chance of your having a heart attack. Turmeric could be the key to your not getting clots and suffering with a number of other health complications.
Recommended Dosage for Turmeric
Even though turmeric is often referred to as a spice, there are a number of ways that you can take it. You can take it in a powdered form from the root, a whole cut root, a tincture or an extract. Depending on how you are taking the herb, the amount you can take is going to vary. For example, if you are taking the cut root, you shouldn't take any more than three grams per day. This is the same for if you are drying the root and turning it into a powdered form. With the actual standard powdered form, you can take as much as 600 milligrams three times per day, for a total of 1,800 milligrams every day.
If you are taking the extract form of turmeric, you can take in ninety drops per day. With the tincture, you can take 40 drops up to four times every day for a total of 160 drops. As you can see, you have to pay close attention to the form of turmeric you are taking in to make sure you are staying within the acceptable guidelines. The last thing you want to do is take in too much of any herb, even if it is all-natural. Since there aren't any studies on turmeric in children, you don't want to give it to your little ones. Pregnant women might also want to refrain from taking turmeric as the studies aren't exactly conclusive yet and you don't want to put your health or that of you baby at risk. The best thing you can do is to go in and have a consultation with your healthcare provider about the benefits and risks of taking turmeric supplements based on your individual health status.
Talk With Your Healthcare Provider
Blood thinning herbs are extremely effective in being able to minimize the chance of blood clots forming and lowering the overall viscosity of your blood. You can easily find everything from the dried root versions of turmeric to the natural supplements. While these supplements are considered pretty safe, you have to make sure you are taking them according to the directions from the manufacturer. Even though something is all-natural, that doesn't mean you can overdo it and take extra to get the effects to kick in sooner. You have to give the herb time to work and do its job.
With any type of natural healing treatment, you still need to discuss the benefits with your healthcare provider. You need to be on the same page with your treatment so the provider knows what is going on and how you are doing. Don't take your health into your own hands. Spend some time discussing what form of turmeric you should take and how much they feel is acceptable for your specific situation. There are a number of complications that could erupt from taking too much turmeric. You don't want to overdo it and cause your blood to become too thin.
By taking the time to discuss the benefits and risks associated with changing up your treatment plan, you can make sure you understand what it is that you are getting into and what you need to be on the lookout for. Your health is important and should be treated with the utmost care and concern. Even though turmeric is loaded with a number of great properties, there are still things that you need to do on your end to make sure your health is safe and your body is getting what it needs. When all is said and done, turmeric might be the perfect solution to help you eliminate the prescription medications from your regime and get you back to focusing on your health and well-being with the help of turmeric.