6 Simple Steps To STOP Emotional Eating

woman and junk food

Ordering pizza just because you’re bored or eating a pint of ice cream can negatively impact your physical and emotional health.

Not to mention, those with a tendency to emotional eating are especially vulnerable to making poor choices. People may use emotional eating to fill emotional needs rather than their stomachs. Unfortunately, emotional eating does not solve your emotional problems.

It leaves you with uncomfortable feelings. Not only will your original issue remain the same, but you may also feel guilty for overeating. Moreover, suppose your first impulse when upset, bored, lonely, exhausted, or angry is to open the refrigerator. In that case, you may get stuck in an unhealthy cycle of putting off your feelings and real problems aside to binge eat.

Even if you feel powerless over your emotional needs and food, the fact is that you’re capable of making positive changes. You can opt for healthier ways to cope with stress, emotional turmoil, cravings, and triggers to finally stopping emotional eating. Here are the best ways you can gain control over emotional eating:

1. Start a Food Diary

Consider keeping a food diary where you write down what, when, and how much you eat, and how you feel when you eat.

Over time, you’ll notice a pattern that reveals the connection between food and your moods.

2. Learn to Tame Your Stress

If you believe your stress contributes to your emotional eating, see stress management techniques. You can try yoga, deep breathing exercises, or meditation to manage stress.

3. Do a Hunger Reality Check

Before you go to your kitchen, ask yourself whether your hunger is emotional or physical. If you ate a couple of hours ago and your stomach isn’t rumbling, likely, you’re not hungry.

Give yourself time to fight the craving.

4. Get Support

The fact is that many binge-eat in stress due to a lack of support system. It is much better to talk to a friend or join support groups to combat stress in a much healthier way.

5. Combat Boredom

Instead of snacking when you’re bored, try distracting yourself with a healthier alternative. Go for a walk, play with your pet, listen to music, surf the internet, watch a good movie, or call your friend.

6. Don’t Deprive Yourself

When losing weight, many people cut down calories to an unhealthy extent, eat the same foods each day, and banish treats.

Unfortunately, this can only make your food cravings stronger, especially in response to your emotions. Try eating satisfying amounts of healthier, delicious foods, try plenty of various foods to curb cravings, and enjoy an occasional treat.

To Sum it Up

Trying to gain control over emotional eating via mindfulness is hard work; however, it’s an incredible opportunity to get in touch with you. If your eating patterns continue, consider connecting with a doctor.





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