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processed meat

10 of The Most Unhealthy Modern Foods You Eat Today

Oftentimes, people find themselves eating an assortment of different items and passing it off as a delicious treat. Many of them contain absolutely nothing beneficial for your body. Some even contain artificial ingredients that can be dangerous. Check out some of the following foods that you should avoid at all costs.

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strong bones

10 Ways To Increase Bone Strength After 50

At age 50, the average person will lose about 0.5 percent of his or her bone density per year. Unfortunately, this increases the risk of fracture as well as osteoporosis. If you're older than 50, though, you can still build stronger bones by following these 10 tips.

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soy beans and milk

7 Ways Soy May Be Affecting Your Health

It may come as a surprise to many people, but testosterone is present in both males and females. It is a hormonal balance to estrogen, which is also present in both genders. When it comes to soybeans, a surprising amount of phytoestrogens, also known as plant-based hormones that mimic the hormone estrogen. This has caused a lot of controversy in not only the holistic community but also the medical field regarding how soy affects your health. Many people associate soy with female qualities in men, both physically and mentally.

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kelp benefits

8 Benefits of Kelp That Will Keep This Algae Superfood In Your Diet

If you live in America, the idea of eating kelp may seem foreign to you. However, it is commonly enjoyed in countries like Japan and China, where it is added to soups, sushi, and salads. Kelp is a common part of many Asian dishes, partly because it is known to be highly nutritious. You can think of it as a sea vegetable that offers a wide variety of health benefits that can boost your ability to enjoy life to the fullest.

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milk thistle plant

What is Milk Thistle and What Are Its Benefits?

Milk thistle is an herbal supplement that has been around for literally hundreds of years. Studies have been conducted into the many benefits of milk thistle, and you’ll be amazed by how it can improve your health. Read on to find out all the ways that taking milk thistle will make you healthier.

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green juice for liver detox

4 Benefits of a Liver Detox

The liver is one of the hardest-working organs in the human body.

Not only is it responsible for turning absorbed food into energy, but it plays a vital role in a number of other bodily functions, including the filtration of the blood that comes from the digestive tract and the detoxification of chemicals and toxins from the bloodstream.

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milk thistle plant

6 Benefits of Milk Thistle, According To Science

Milk thistle is a fascinating herbal remedy. Derived from the Silybum marianum plant, it’s an extract that contains a lot of a particular active compound called silymarin. It’s estimated that milk thistle extract is anywhere between 65 and 80% silymarin, which gives it some pretty amazing antioxidant, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.

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healthy older male

9 Ways To Shrink The Prostate Naturally

Did you know that prostate health problems are one of the greatest threats to men’s health?  According to the American Cancer Society, it’s estimated that one out of every nine men will end up diagnosed with prostate cancer. That’s more than 10%!

The good news is that there are a number of things you can do to naturally shrink your prostate.

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saw palmetto plants

5 Reasons Every Man Should Take Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto is one of those plants that have become hyper-popular in the last couple of decades, thanks to the amazing health benefits it can provide. 

This little palm plant may not look like much, but once you find out the full list of benefits, you’ll be very impressed by what it can do. Not sure what we’re talking about? Read on to find out how saw palmetto can improve your health in the most important ways: 

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ceylon cinnamon sticks

6 Proven Health Benefits of Ceylon Cinnamon

Ceylon cinnamon is, by far, the better of the two types of cinnamon. Cassia cinnamon has a higher cinnemaldehyde content, but it’s also higher in potentially toxic compounds that can be harmful if consumed in high quantities.

Let’s take a look at some of the scientifically proven health benefits of Ceylon cinnamon to find out just how much it can do for you:

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ceylon cinnamon sticks

Ceylon Cinnamon or Cassia: What's the Difference?

Cinnamon contains some pretty amazing compounds, including cinnamaldehyde, as well as essential oils. Together, these compounds and essential oils provide all of the amazing healing, anti-diabetic, and immune-boosting benefits that make cinnamon such an awesome spice.

But let’s drill down a bit deeper…

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healthy vs unhealthy liver

5 Signs You Need A Liver Detox

Our livers work hard to keep toxins from spreading through our bloodstream and damaging our bodies. Unfortunately, our modern lives have so many ways that we can be exposed to or end up absorbing toxins. Heck, even our skincare and beauty products sometimes unknowingly contain toxins, which our liver needs to filter out to protect our bodies.

Here are the most common signs to watch out for.

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