Why Physical Activity Is KEY To Combating Depression

Why Physical Activity Is KEY To Combating Depression

Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a super prevalent disorder in most cultures in the world. In fact, the prevalence ranges between 6% and 18% across various countries. Moreover, according to an in-depth research, one in every 10 adults in the U.S. struggles with depression.

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Weight Loss And Sleep:  What's The Connection?

Weight Loss And Sleep: What's The Connection?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 1.9 million people qualified as obese back in 2019. These included people from age groups of 18 and above. This means that 16% of the world population was obese in 2016. The number keeps increasing over time but let us brush some basics before we move ahead, like how sleep and weight loss is connected. 

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The Importance of Mental Health Days

The Importance of Mental Health Days

The world health organization has set the date of October the 10th as mental health day. Moreover, the month of May, every year, celebrates mental health month. The whole point of associating days and months to mental health is to raise awareness of the dangers of mental health. Even though large majorities of people suffer from issues of mental health, it still comes evokes bad stigma in society. This article discusses mental health, and the many ways you can celebrate mental health days.

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6 Simple Steps To STOP Emotional Eating

6 Simple Steps To STOP Emotional Eating

Due to increased financial pressures and fear, most of us are experiencing heightened feelings of uncertainty, stress, and anxiety.  Therefore, many of us turn to food for comfort, reward ourselves, or relieve stress. When we do run to our pantry, most of us reach for sweets, junk food, and other comforting yet incredibly unhealthy foods.

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Top 5 Exercises to Fight Anxiety

Top 5 Exercises to Fight Anxiety

At some point in life, most of us fall prey to anxiety and stress. Life can get awfully overwhelming and if we don’t take measures to check our anxiety and stress levels, we can soon lose health.

Here are top 5 exercises to help you combat anxiety and cope with the pressures or life.

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The Power of Combining Nutrition, Exercise, and Meditation

The Power of Combining Nutrition, Exercise, and Meditation

Everyone knows that regular aerobic exercise and meditation are excellent mood boosters. However, when combined, they're incredibly effective at combating depression.

In fact, an in-depth study shows that combining these two led to a reduction in symptoms of clinical depression by an astounding 40%. 

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How To Restrict Excessive Calories and Avoid Daily Fatigue

How To Restrict Excessive Calories and Avoid Daily Fatigue

Sometimes, merely working out does not remove the constant lethargy or fatigue some of us tend to feel. Have you ever considered that perhaps it is the excessive calorie consumption in your daily diet that is the main culprit?

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Can Caffeine Have a Negative Impact on Your Workout?

Can Caffeine Have a Negative Impact on Your Workout?

Caffeine is subject to the most amount of research when it comes to health and fitness. Many athletes and sports performers use this substance to improve their performance during workouts. This is why, coffee, or more specifically black coffee, is a widely used pre-workout beverage. Many people resort to this drink before they exercise because it enhances their energy levels and gets them ready to execute explosive movements in the gym.

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